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WEEK ONE: Why Theory? 1. Activating Critical Thought & Intersectional Analysis

1. Activating Critical Thought & Intersectional Analysis as Bedrock to AAS

2. Genealogies, Key Debates & Struggles in Field of AAS


Hello Everyone,

1) We will be reading Lisa Lowe chapter "Canon, Institutionalization, Identity: Asian American Studies" in her larger book project Immigrant Acts* from 1996. Some of you all got the printed copy in class. This text was written now twenty years ago, and this chapter still remains incredibly relevant in that it will introduce you all to some key debates still in AAS. More than anything, I selected this text as it critically investigates core theoretical arguments about the site of AAS, its function/resistance in the university, and the ways in which "canonization" through "institutionalization" impact some of the challenges of AAS in the past, present and future. Of course Lowe, as a cultural theorist, will be referring to Asian Am literature that you might or might not be familiar with, either way, trust that she is referring to some key major cultural texts in AAS. Regardless, the reading is not long or too dense so I expect you to read it carefully and closely.

2) Here is a link to the letter from Asian Americans to their families about BLM. Please read the letter fully. You can find the full letter in this news article here from

3) We also will be looking at Lisa Lowe's other highly cited article "The Intimacies of Four Continents" (2006) to ground some of the conversation we had today about the relation of AAS to the globe and even "diversity" in the US. You will not need to complete reading notes on this article, rather begin skimming it, and come with some beginning questions. You can add or not add these to your reading notes. This article will be assigned officially for next Monday in addition to other readings forthcoming.

Reading Notes Additional Instructions for 7.27 due:

1. Use complete sentences, grammatical errors will be forgiven.

2. At least 1.5 pages, but ideally in future 2 to 2.5 pages.

3. Give context, general snapshot/content (as best as you can) of the reading.

4) Name (or try) the main arguments- Why is the author making such a contribution? What are they claiming/ intervening on/critiquing? If you not sure, just make an honest effort to bring together some ideas from the text.

5) For this week, ask three questions in total from the Lowe "Canon..." reading, and one for the Asian Am BLM letter.

5) Bring a printed or paper copy of your notes to class this week.

See you all on Wednesday.



*Lowe, Lisa. 1996. Immigrant acts: on Asian American cultural politics. Durham: Duke University Press.

"Yellow Power to Yellow People" In front of court house - Oakland , California - l969


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